アメリカ微生物学会 ASM Microbe 2018に参加し、ポスター発表・口頭発表を行ないました。

6/7~6/11に開催されたアメリカ微生物学会 ASM Microbe 2018 (Atlanta)に参加し、ポスター発表・口頭発表を行ないました。


  • Matsuo J, Haga S, Okubo T, Nakamura S, Ozawa, Ozaki M, Yamaguchi H: Cyclic luciferase probe reveals caspase-3 actibation in Chlamydia-infected cells at late tames during infection. ASM Microbe 2018, Atlanta, USA, 2018.6. Poster FRIDAY-51
  • Sakai K, Matsuo J, Okubo T, Nakamura S, Yamaguchi H: Subtle change of host-cell density causes fatal error on monitoring the intracellular growth of Chlamydia trachomatis in a low-oxygen environment. ASM Microbe 2018, Atlanta, USA, 2018.6. Poster FRIDAY-53
  • Matsushita M, Okubo T, Matsuo J, Nakamura S, Yamaguchi H: Ciliates promote the interactive transfer of plasmid encoding blaNDM-5 between human pathogenic
    Escherichia coli and environmental Aeromonas caviae. ASM Microbe 2018, Atlanta, USA, 2018.6. Poster SUNDAY-786
  • Okubo T, Shimoda T, Nakamura S, Yano R, Matsuo J, Yamaguchi H: Staphylococcus aureus prompts Escherichia coli survival under dry conditions: a potential threat from the viewpoint of nosocomial infections. ASM Microbe 2018, Atlanta, USA, 2018.6. Poster SUNDAY-911


  • Okubo T, Shimoda T, Nakamura S, Yano R, Matsuo J, Yamaguchi H: Staphylococcus aureus prompts Escherichia coli survival under dry conditions: a potential threat from the viewpoint of nosocomial infections. ASM Microbe 2018, Atlanta, USA, 2018.6. Poster Talk 461
  • Matsuo J, Haga S, Okubo T, Nakamura S, Ozawa, Ozaki M, Yamaguchi H: Cyclic luciferase probe reveals caspase-3 actibation in Chlamydia-infected cells at late tames during infection. ASM Microbe 2018, Atlanta, USA, 2018.6. Rapid Fire 8777